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STEM Lounge contributes to conversations in society through original visual stories and essays rooted in science.
Who writes STEM Lounge?
My name is Larry, and I explore how storytelling and visual communications can be used for a more just and sustainable world.
In addition to writing for STEM Lounge, I've written stories for Slate and Vox, and published opinions on The Orlando Sentinel, The Vancouver Sun, and KevinMD. My election map algorithms are featured by Fast Company, and my advocacy work is covered by Gizmodo Japan. At Florida State I studied Studio Art and Biological Science, and at Harvard Medical School I studied how storytelling can be used to impact public health as part of the Media and Medicine program.
I haven't found a publication quite like STEM Lounge, so I decided to make it. Subscribe today to get the latest stories right in your inbox.
What are readers saying?
Land doesn't vote. via @LarryWeru | Muddy America : Color Balancing The Election Map https://t.co/zHNNBUWaBG #dataviz pic.twitter.com/9genjDnxH1
— Jon Schwabish (@jschwabish) February 9, 2020
Tous les 4 ans, après l’élection, on a des débats hyper intéressants sur le rôle des cartes et leur représentation faussée de la réalité. Et tous les 4 ans, on repart quand même avec la même carte bleue et rouge par État. https://t.co/hMOjYnWuLf
— NicolasVanbremeersch (@versac) November 7, 2020
Zeitvertreib bei Warten. We need to understand what a graph is saying when we're using it. Look and learn. ☝️ https://t.co/LVStiCGTEO
— Marianne Binder (@BinderMarianne) November 7, 2020
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