Weekly Counts of US Deaths by Select Causes through June 2020
This graph uses CDC data to compare COVID deaths with other causes of deaths.

This graph uses CDC data to compare COVID deaths with other causes of deaths.
After the US SARS-Cov2 outbreak, COVID deaths in the US were growing at an exponential rate, unlike any other cause of death. They surpassed heart diseases deaths to become the leading cause of death in the US back in the 2nd week of April (~week #15), and based on the trajectory had the potential to be in a league of their own. The number of weekly deaths from COVID have since declined, likely resulting from the nationwide restrictions that were enacted. The data in this graph have a 2 week delay, so the most recent week is week #23 (June 1-7). It does not show what has happened between June 7th and today.
Updated June 20, 2020.